
Discover Meluha-When India was called Meluha.

Meluha  or  Melukhkha  is the  Sumerian  name of a prominent trading partner of  Sumer  during the  Middle Bronze Age . Its identification remains an open question, though most scholars associate it with the  Indus Valley Civilization Sumerian  texts repeatedly refer to three important centers with which they traded:  Magan ,  Dilmun , and Meluhha.  Magan  is usually identified with  Egypt  in later  Assyrian  texts; but the Sumerian localization of Magan was probably  Oman .  Dilmun  was a  Persian Gulf   civilization  which traded with Mesopotamian civilizations, the current scholarly consensus is that Dilmun encompassed  Bahrain ,  Failaka Island  and the adjacent coast of  Eastern Arabia  in the  Persian Gulf . The location of Meluhha, however, is hotly debated. There are scholars today who confidently identify Meluhha with the...

Budget 2k17-India On Progressive Way.

Demonetisation Demonetisation is expected to have a transient impact on the economy. It will have a great impact on the economy and lives of people . Demonetisation is a bold and decisive measure that will lead to higher GDP growth. The effects of demonetisation will not spillover to the next fiscal. Agriculture sector Sowing farmers should feel secure against natural calamities. A sum of Rs. 10 lakh crore is allocated as credit to farmers, with 60 days interest waiver. NABARD fund will be increased to Rs. 40,000 crore.  Government will set up mini labs in Krishi Vigyan Kendras for soil testing. A dedicated micro irrigation fund will be set up for NABARD with Rs 5,000 crore initial corpus. Irrigation corpus increased from Rs 20,000 crore to Rs 40,000 crore. Dairy processing infrastructure fund wlll be initially created with a corpus of Rs. 2000 crore. Issuance of soil cards has gained momentum. A model law on contract farming will be prepared and shared with the...

Political Marketing -A new way of Politics

  The Concept Political marketing is the process by which political candidates and ideas are directed at the voters in order to satisfy their political needs and thus gain their support for the candidate and ideas in question. A cursory comparison between marketing of goods and services, and marketing of political candidates would readily point up at least one common concept promotion. Clearly there is quite extensive use of media by the seller and the candidate for the purposes of informing, reminding, as well as changing attitudes and behavior. Possibly, such a comparison would also indicate that both marketing of goods and services, and marketing of political candidates utilize similar tools such as market research, and various statistical and computer techniques in studying the market. Although these points are essentially correct, they denote only a few of the similarities between marketing and political marketing.     Well ther...